I'm looking to get this documentary, on Blue Planet Project.
a year ago
I can authenticate a little more than half of original Blue Planet Project from 1990 as being facts. I've already seen the classified documents and the MJ-12 documents that detailed a lot of the stuff thats in there. I would be weary of any revised copies that came out after that because there's a good chance that misinformation could be included given by the United States Space Counter Intelligence located and Headquartered out of Cheyenne Mountain. If you have questions about what's real and what's not, ask me.
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I'm looking to get this documentary, on Blue Planet Project.
I can authenticate a little more than half of original Blue Planet Project from 1990 as being facts. I've already seen the classified documents and the MJ-12 documents that detailed a lot of the stuff thats in there. I would be weary of any revised copies that came out after that because there's a good chance that misinformation could be included given by the United States Space Counter Intelligence located and Headquartered out of Cheyenne Mountain. If you have questions about what's real and what's not, ask me.
https://www.scribd.com/doc/24386910/Blu e-Planet-Project