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Jeremy L. Nieuwenhuijs
2 months ago

Hey Bro,
I finished reading this document just now.Its 12:27PM and I started it about 4AM. I had some work to do between them and now but, it's dense my friend. I believe everything you have put forward.
In my humble opinion, it's too long and the only people who will take the time to read this are your run of the mill fanatics and phenomena buffs.
Myself included in both. I can hardly convince my partner to watch footage I get of orbs and various other sky phenomena that's less than 2 minutes long let alone pass a dense text document to say my friends who all have 0 interest in the topic. Is there a way to condense the whole thing and make it 4 or 5 pages max? Is this something you have considered? I hope you don't mind this comment and I mean no disrespect. Keeping you in my thoughts this season, I know the vibe around the joint this time of year can be challenging, but I have a feeling you are able to elevate above all that noise.

Michael Forrest
2 months ago

I'm very interested in this topic. If you have materials that aren't on your website then please email them to me. What do you think of David Jacobs books about the alien threat?

Colleen Hughey
4 months ago

Thanks for this info. I've been a sceptic many years due to a relationship I had with a man who claimed to be an alien. Honestly he seemed to be a demon. Isn't Trump on board with sharing all tech and cures with the people. He's got USSF. I myself await the med bed tech. Why do you not share info about the reason we are on Earth and the truth about Creator God? This part truly interests me. If this info was shared with Trump I'm sure he'd respond...Although I hear real Trump is in Mount Cheyenne. Colleen

Steve Guiliani
2 years ago

I'm looking to get this documentary, on Blue Planet Project.

2 years ago

I can authenticate a little more than half of original Blue Planet Project from 1990 as being facts. I've already seen the classified documents and the MJ-12 documents that detailed a lot of the stuff thats in there. I would be weary of any revised copies that came out after that because there's a good chance that misinformation could be included given by the United States Space Counter Intelligence located and Headquartered out of Cheyenne Mountain. If you have questions about what's real and what's not, ask me.

https://www.scribd.com/doc/24386910/Blu e-Planet-Project

4 months ago

Can I as what us blue planet project